26 January 2012

Know about Rooting Android 2.1, 2.2

Today I will give you basic knowledge of rooting , what the hell it is and other important information related to this Hack.

Introduction :

One of the most incredible, yet-not-advertised hacks for an Android-based phone is Rooting.
Rooting is basically elevating yourself to SuperUser (almost comparable to SYSTEM user in Windows), removing all firmware restrictions on your phone, making it completely customizable, including upgrading to later Android versions (Gingerbread, Honeycomb).
Some of the advantages are ~
1) Increased speed and performance since it removes firmware restrictions
2) Allows you to transfer all your applications from Internal Storage to your SD Card, yet not made available by developers to the Android loyalists :D
3) Installation of tons of apps requiring Root privilege
4) SuperUser permissions required for Debugging consoles like Terminal Emulator, Titanium Back-up, etc.
5) And obviously, Live Wallpapers! (LWPs XD).

Note : Rooting your phone temporarily voids your warranty (but can be easily retrieved by un-rooting your phone to its original state if you want to claim your warranty for any reason) and doing so incorrectly may brick your phone (you can re-flash it using Odin3) or cause a factory reset. Please use at your own risk and I or HF are not responsible if you in any way damage your phone (or yourself)

How to Do Rooting :
Ok let's start ~
(i) Download SuperOneClick v1.5+ by XDA Developers 

And if its a Samsung, I highly recommend 'SGS Eclair Easy Rooting' over anything else. Its what I used to root my Galaxy 3 :D

(ii) Install required drivers (Mostly installed automatically)
(iii) IMPORTANT: On your phone, go to Settings > Applications > Development > *USB Debugging ON*
(iv) Connect via USB (Tethering is necessary and Wi-fi won't work...
(v) Launch SuperOneClick and click 'ROOT'
(vi) Congratz! Your phone should now be rooted and a 'SuperUser' app should be present in the tray

Search for more guides on installing LiveWallpaperPicker.apk and other post-rooting guides to unlock the full capability of the legendary Android!

Here is Video Tutorial to do  Rooting Android 

Most Android Phones: The SuperOneClick Method
Full size

The majority of you will be able to use previously mentioned SuperOneClick for Windows to root your phone. So far, it's been officially tested on the following phones:

Acer Liquid Metal
Dell Streak
HTC Magic (Sapphire) 32B
T-Mobile Comet (Huawei Ideos U8150)
LG Ally
LG Optimus 2x
LG Optimus V
LG Thrill 4G
Motorola Backflip
Motorola Charm
Motorola Defy
Motorola Droid
Motorola Flipside
Motorola Flipout
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Milestone 2
Nexus One
Samsung Captivate
Samsung Galaxy 551 (GT-I5510)
Samsung Galaxy Ace. Note: SuperOneClick only works on the Galaxy Ace running 2.2.1 and below. If you have 2.3 or above on your phone, you'll need to follow the steps at this XDA thread to root your phone.
Samsung Galaxy Portal/Spica I5700
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Samsung Galaxy S I9000
Samsung Galaxy S SCH-I500
Samsung Galaxy S II
Samsung Galaxy Tab
Samsung Transform M920
Samsung Vibrant
Sony Ericsson Xperia E51i X8
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
Sprint Hero
Telus Fascinate
Toshiba Folio 100


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